Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Democrat accuses Doug Jones be being 'racist'

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(Washington Examiner) A top Democratic official in Alabama has said that one of his party’s U.S. senators in the state “is a racist” and accused him of marginalizing black party members and wanting them “to pick the cotton” but not “manage the plantation.”

The Democratic National Committee’s Black Caucus Vice Chairman Randy Kelley, who is black, blasted Doug Jones, who is white, and his allies in the DNC for pressuring African Americans to increase the representation of Hispanic, Asian, youth, gay, and disabled party members in a new “Diversity Caucus,” a move he argues would reduce the influence of black Democrats.

Kelley and state party chair Nancy Worley, who is white, are furious about a DNC challenge to how votes were counted in their 2018 reelection.

The post Democrat accuses Doug Jones be being 'racist' appeared first on WND.

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